Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day #25, Las Cruces to Silver City NM

Tuesday Nov 3, 2009 - Today we traveled form Las Cruces to Silver City NM via El Paso TX (200 miles). That gets us a new state, Texas.
A little way outside of Las Cruces they erected a very large statue of a Roadrunner Bird. It is made up of junk. They built a frame, tied stuff to the frame and wrapped it all with wire mesh. It does not look like junk until you get very close to it. It so big you can see it for miles down the freeway. That's me under the bird (top, center).

We went and toured Old Down Town Las Cruces (The Plaza). It was pretty much like the other town plazas. Lots of tourists souvenirs and art galleries. All the buildings are in the adobe style.

Then on to Texas so we can add another state to our list for this trip. El Paso is a very large city. We passed the city limit sign about 15 miles from down town El Paso. They have what looks like some very poor places to live. We did not drive through but could see the areas from the freeway. We saw the border crossing and it was very busy. You had to wait in line in both directions.

The animal for the day (Jordy I'm sorry I have not been able to get a new animal every day). This was at a rest stop on the way to Silver City. After talking to the caretaker there, we found out that he feeds the quail so they are almost pets. And there I thought I was doing some amazing wildlife photography.

Silver City was not what we expected. They advertise heavy but there is not too much there. This is where Billy the Kid was born and spent his younger years. They have his mother's house at the visitor's center and you can go visit her grave. Many shops. But that is about it.

Wednesday, on to Tucson AZ.

1 comment:

Max and Deanna said...

Do you guys take back roads to see all this neat stuff? Isn't it funny how places have their monuments--we have a huge buffalo and Texas has a road runner.