Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yellowstone Park Bears

This is one of my favorite pictures. I think this may be why they no longer allow feeding the bears in the park. The family is in the car (my family) with the window part way down. Mother is feeding the mother bear through the window. The is nothing to keep the bear from breaking the window and coming in for all the food (kids included). Dad has gotten out of the car came around to the side with the mother bear and her cubs to take pictures. If the mother bear got nerves about her cubs she could have gotten to dad very easily. But this is what everyone did at this time in Yellowstone Park (around 1957).


Vickie Robertson said...

That is a really neat picture, but I would be scared out of mind if I was the one sitting in that car!!!

Max and Deanna said...

Fish and Bears--you are finding some great pictures that bring back some great memories. I remember that picture, but I never thought about Dad being outside the car taking pictures!!

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I love that picture also. It was always an adventure when we went to the park. Do you remember dad casting his line at a bear that was going towards Mary Anne when she was setting in the back of the boat while we were eating a picnic lunch in the park?