Monday, August 17, 2009

Hydroplane Boat Races

Silverdale had Hydroplane Boat Races on Dyes Inlet Saturday and Sunday. These boat are very load. We could hear them from our backyard. They would races the big boats then in between they would have races for the small boats (R/C boats).

The following are pictures of the big boats. As you can see sometimes they made it back to the dock and some times they did not.

They used a crane to get the boats in and out of the water.

Then there were the little boats. As you can see some times the little boats did not make it back to the dock. So they would send out a recovery boat. A small row boat with Slim at the oars. There seems to always be problems of some kind.

I caught this R/C boat when it did a barrel roll.


Max and Deanna said...

I thought he had made a mistake unstill the guy said, "nice barrel roll." I bet they were fun to watch.

Randy and Susan Landon said...

I love the video. You did great with following him with the camera. I am impressed.