Friday, March 27, 2009

Beach road trip + Tonya in Time Mag

We took a road trip to Ocean Shores on Thursday.
The great thing about Washington & Oregon beaches is
that you can drive on them. Tonya wanted to get some
drift wood to decorate her yard so we took the pickup.
I was afraid we would be overloaded the way Tonya was
piling on the drift wood.

Nina found more barns on the way.

There were lots of seagulls. And lots of large
pieces of drift wood.

More seagulls and more wood.

The newspaper where Tonya worked closed down the
other day. Time magazine ran an article about the
closure and the staff photo (about) with Tonya in it was at
the head of the story.

1 comment:

Max and Deanna said...

What fun pictures--I LOVE this blog thing.